Everyday Items That Can Be Turned into Environmentally Responsible Fuel

Although the cost of gas has dropped in recent years, there is a good chance that at some point in the future, it will once again inspire sticker shock at the gas pump. In addition, there are many concerns about the availability of adequate amounts of oil and fuel to meet the needs of future generations. While you may already be familiar with hybrid vehicles and electric vehicles, learning that tires and manure can be turned into usable oil and fuel can be quite surprising. Therefore, if you are interested in using a non-traditional fuel source, the following information will be quite illuminating.

Turning Tires into Fuel

Some recent estimates are that about 300 million tires get added to landfills annually in the United States, although other sources think the number is about 240 million. Another 275 million tires are left to linger in stockpiles. One way of addressing that concern is to turn many of those used tires into fuel; it is thought that one tire can be used to create energy for up to 150 minutes.

There are different techniques that have proven to be successful, and some of them do not result in any emissions. Because of the lack of newly formed emissions and the lessening of the need for new space in landfills, turning tires into fuel has the potential to be a great choice.

Replacing Your Existing Fuel with Energy from Cow Manure

For years, there has been concern about the methane gas produced by many farming animals, especially if the animals in questions are kept close together in a small area. However, technology now exists that makes it possible to make a constructive use out of that methane in an eco-friendly manner. Since methane is capable of doing 20 times the heat damage to the environment that carbon dioxide does, that discovery can impact virtually everyone if it becomes widely available.

Dry manure can often be used directly by burning it in the appropriate equipment. Wet manure is a bit more challenging to process, and doing so involves flushing animal pens with water to remove the waste product and then storing in a wet area. The manure will eventually be separated to remove the methane and other components, and then the methane can be broken down and changed into a usable energy source.

In conclusion, one of today's big concerns is the lack of adequate fuel sources to meet the increased need for energy that is expected in the coming years. Those concerns have led to unusual items like cow manure and tires being the subject of intense research, and it is quite possible that the eco-friendly status of those materials will be useful. As a result, it will behoove you to be aware of the facts listed above.

Visit sites like http://www.smallandsonsoil.com to learn more about fuel companies. 
