Close Encounters Of The Dumpster Kind: Different Rental Services Provided

Whether you have a dumpster on your property or you need a dumpster, there are several different dumpster rental services. It is not just about renting a dumpster and returning it either. Here are some of the many other dumpster services you can get.

Scheduled Emptyings

If you are on a route of the company that rents the dumpsters, you can create an emptying schedule with that company. Most business owners and property managers opt for a weekly emptying, which is different from a pick-up service. Emptying means that the garbage and/or recycling trucks come from the dumpster company, collect the garbage from your dumpster(s) and then cart it away leaving the dumpster behind. Pick-up means the entire dumpster, including its contents, is picked up and removed from your property, leaving nothing behind. If you have an ongoing use or need for the rented dumpsters, scheduling an emptying is the better option for you.


Nobody likes to think of the nasty messes that are frequently tossed inside a dumpster, but they happen and they do exist. If your business is a restaurant or frequently has employees who scrap their leftover lunches in the garbage, then you will at some point need to clean the dumpster. Thankfully, if you rent your dumpsters rather than own them, you do not have to do these cleanings yourself. You can call either the dumpster rental company to discuss cleaning, or (if you have prior permission) hire a dumpster rental cleaning service. These specialty cleaners will address the mess and smells emanating from the dumpsters on your property.

Replacements after Police Confiscation

Every once in a while you will have something bizarre occur with your dumpsters that involves the police. Dumpsters are the ideal dumping grounds for everything from newborn babies to puppies to guns and drugs. When these unusual items end up in your trash, the police are likely to confiscate the dumpster and its contents as evidence in an ongoing investigation.

That leaves you with no dumpster to use at all. Should that happen, call the dumpster rental company and request another dumpster to replace the one the police took. Be sure to explain what happened to the other dumpster and verify if the company was notified by the police with regards to their confiscated property. Most likely, the dumpster company already knows, but if they do not, they will be happy that you told them where to find the dumpster. You will also want them to know where it is so that you do not continue paying rental fees on something that is not in your possession
